Packaging | Indicators| Humidity indicators | humidity indicator card
Control the humidity of your packaging with humidity indicator card without dichlorurocobalt.

Description of humidity indicator card
The humidity indicator card is a moisture indicator to control the environmental humidity or the interior of the packaging to which the products are exposed.
The humidity indicator card is a rigid paper card with Relative Humidity (RH) reading indicators, reversible and without cobalt dichloride. Moisture indicator indicate when a certain value is exceeded by turning the color blue to pink. It is applied in the packaging to be controlled and is available in numerous configurations, being able to indicate the degree of RH from 5% to 95% depending on the application and need. The RH humidity indicators card provide a visual test of the humidity level within an environment and / or packaging. If the degree of humidity is too high, using the humidity indicators, the user will immediately know that it is necessary to replace the desiccant and verify that the quality of the product has not been altered. It is advisable to use these RH humidity indicators combined with desiccants in any application to have control of the environmental conditions to which the products are exposed. Under standard conditions, the allowable tolerances with respect to the accuracy of the humidity indicator card are +/- 5% relative humidity. In conditions of extreme temperature, however, there may be a greater variation of this percentage. The humidity indicators comply with a variety of military specifications (TL, MIL, AFNOR).
We offer a wide range of humidity indicator card in a variety of sizes, shapes and indicator areas, some of which have self-adhesive labels, as well as the control window. The control window has been specially developed for barrier film (PE or composite aluminum sheets). The display window can be supplied with a variety of humidity indicator cards. It offers an easy and reliable installation. A threading tool is included. The control window complies with TL 6685-0003.
Some of the products in which irreversible humidity indicators are currently used:
- Electronics
- Optical instruments
- Export packaging
- Packaging of bulk materials
- Military and aeronautics
- Pharmacist
Humidity Indicator card TL 6685-0003
Electronic and export indicators cards
Indicator Window Ø 120 mm for Ø 90 mm indicators for export
Indicator Card Window Ø 120 mm for Ø 90 mm indicators TL 6685-003
Humidity Indicators free of cobalt dichloride
Cobalt Dichloride free indicators for electronics
The RH humidity indicators are supplied according to the packaging specifications mentioned in the previous point. In case of other quantities contact Sercalia.
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