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Silica Gel is a desiccant with large moisture absorption. Using Silica Gel allows protection of the products during transport and storage thanks to its high porosity which absorbs excess moisture in the packaging, ensuring product quality.

Silica gel. Desiccant. Drying agent. Silica beads. Moisture absorber. Desiccant silica gel. Absorbers. Sercalia

What is Silica Gel – Basic properties

Desiccant Silica Gel is silicon dioxide in a translucent granular form. It has a high porosity allowing it to absorb excess moisture in confined spaces.

Depending on the conditions of relative humidity and temperature to which silica gel is exposed, is more or less able to absorb moisture. Thus, at high temperatures the absorption capacity decreases.

Silica Gel packets are desiccant bags widely used to protect products from damage by moisture, during transport and during storage thereof. With the introduction of desiccant silica gel within the packaging prevents possible degradation or deterioration of those likely to have changes in the presence of ambient moisture products.

Silica gel sachets are definitely an ideal place to ensure the quality of goods during shipping or stockpiles in warehouses, can guarantee the condition of the product upon arrival at destination or after their stay in stock product.

Silica gel is a non-toxic and non-corrosive drying agent. Desiccant Silica Gel is used for many applications in several sectors.

Silica gel. Silica bulk. Silica gel packets. Silica gel sachets. Moisture absorber. Sercalia
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Silica packets can be used in any application that needs an absorption of humidity, both in packaging and closed spaces. The common feature is that the areas in which the silica gel is used must be confined, as otherwise absorb ambient moisture with consequent saturation product.

The desiccant silica gel is currently used in the following industries:

  • Food industry (can be in direct contact with food through a special fabric bag)
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Textile, leather, fur, etc.
  • Technology sector
  • Chemical industry
  • Medical equipments
  • Optical instruments (photographic material)
  • Technical equipments
  • Flower drying silica gel
  • Horticulture (dried plants, flowers and seeds)
  • Pets

Desiccant silica gel is widely used for export, transport or storage of food or pharmaceutical products, as there is the possibility of placing the Silica Gel in direct contact with food or active ingredients using bags that meet the requirements of FDA (with bags Tyvek) type.

Find more information about applications of silica gel packets in our blog post: Why silica gel.



Absorption capacity silica gel: 23 ± 2% of its own weight at an ambient temperature of 23 ° C and relative humidity of 40%.

Desiccant material: amorphous silica dioxide. Silica gel can be used with a substance that changes color, can recognize when the bag can no longer absorb moisture and, therefore, must be replaced (orange = active / green = exhausted).

Principal chemical and physical characteristics of desiccant silica gel:

pH (10% solution): 3,5-6,0
Conductivity (10% solution): <0,3 s/m
Water-soluble substances: <=2%
Size: 0,25-6,3 mm
Residual moisture (120º): <2%
 Silica gel. Desiccant silica gel. Dry agent. Desiccant bags. Sercalia
Desiccant silica gel. Silica gel. Silice gel orange. Silica gel. bulk. Silica Beads. Silica gel sachets.Sercalia
Silica gel. Desiccant silica gel. Silica packets. Silica beads. Moisture eliminator. Sercalia
Silica desiccant bags. Silica Gel sachets. Silia gel packets. Orange silica. Use of silica gel. Sercalia

Desiccant packs. Silica gel sachets. Supplies

Silica gel is supplied in desiccant bags and bags micros (both single, in chains or panels), capsules or bulk.


1.- SILICA GEL PACKETS: Silica gel sachets or silica gel packets, are the most usual format, in different weights according to the following table:


DIN-MIL NFH Net weight (gr) Size bags (mm) Size bags Tyvek (mm)
64 UD 4 UD 1920 200×350 No realizable
32 UD 2 UD 960 200×240 No realizable
16 UD 1 UD 480 160×220 160×230
8 UD 1/2 UD 240 160×160 160×230
4 UD 1/4 UD 120 95×150 95×160
2 UD 1/8 UD 60 95×120 95×130
1 UD 1/16 UD 30 70×130 70×140
1/2 UD 1/32 UD 15 70×100 70×110
1/3 UD 1/50 UD 10 70×85 70×95
1/6 UD 1/100 UD 5 40×85 / 55×85 40×95 / 55×95


DIN-MIL NFH Net weight (gr) Size bags (mm) Size bags Tyvek (mm)
64 UD 4 UD 1920 200×350 No realizable
32 UD 2 UD 960 200×240 No realizable
16 UD 1 UD 480 160×220 160×230
8 UD 1/2 UD 240 160×160 160×230
4 UD 1/4 UD 120 95×150 95×160
2 UD 1/8 UD 60 95×120 95×130
1 UD 1/16 UD 30 70×130 70×140
1/2 UD 1/32 UD 15 70×100 70×110
1/3 UD 1/50 UD 10 70×85 70×95
1/6 UD 1/100 UD 5 40×85 / 55×85 40×95 / 55×95


Silica gel. Silica desiccant bags. Silica Gel sachets. Orange silica. Use of silica gel. Sercalia
All silica gel packets or desiccant bags contains an 8% humidity indicator inside to check the quality of the bags.
It is also possible to place a humidity indicator spot in each of the desiccant bag to check the saturation of the product inside the bag. The stain is green when the silica gel is active and brown when the desiccant is saturated.
Silica gel. Which silica gel to buy. Silica gel packets. Desiccant Bags. Tyvek. Sercalia
2.- SILICA MICRO BAGS: The same silica gel sachets but small formats, according to the following table:
Net weight (gr) Size bags (mm)
0,5 16×35
1 38×21
1,5 43×25
2 47×26
3 55×26

The MICRO dessicant packs format can also be supplied in rolls or chains, depending on customer needs.

Another option is to supply the desiccant silica gel ready to be in direct contact with food or pharmaceutical ingredients, in compliance with FDA regulations. In this case the silica gel is bagged in Tyvek grade material (bag calling Class B).

Desiccant silica gel. silica micro bags. Moisture absorber bags. Silica gel sachets. Desiccant bags. Sercalia

3.- SILICA CAPSULES: A presentation format and product supply low weight, useful for small spaces. Silica gel capsules are available in different sizes and weights, according to the following table:

Net weight (gr) Size: diametre x height (mm)
0,5 13,8 x 10,5
1 18,1 x 11,0
2 24,8 x 11,0
3 30,6 x 10,5
30 63,0 x 18,5

Silica gel in capsules allows placement in plastic containers such as bottles or cans, allowing save space without losing absorbent capacity. One face of the capsule is moisture absorbent tissue product while the rest is polypropylene.

Silica gel. Silica gel capsules. Desiccant. Moisture absorber. Sercalia

4.- BULK: Another way to supply silica gel, both white and silica gel orange. The white product indicates no moisture absorption, whereas the orange product changes color when saturated with moisture. Silica gel comes in boxes of 25 kg of the product, with the following granulometry:

  • Bulk Orange 2-5 mm: Change from orange (active) to green (saturated)
  • Orange bulk 1.5 to 2 mm: Change color orange (active) to transparent (saturated)
  • Bulk White 2-4 mm: No color change

You can contact us the suitable format for your needs.

You can view other type of drying agent, molecular sieve in our Absorbers section.

Silica gel. Silica gel Orange. Silica gel bulk. Silica desiccant packets. Desiccant silica gel. Sercalia

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