Packaging | Indicators | Humidity indicators

The humidity indicators allow to control the environmental humidity or the interior of the packaging to which the products are exposed.

The humidity indicators are rigid paper cards with reading sections of Relative Humidity (RH), reversible and without cobalt dichloride.

The humidity indicator card indicates when a certain value is exceeded through the change from blue to pink. It is applied in the packaging to be controlled and is available in numerous variants, being able to indicate the degree of HR from 5% to 95% depending on the application and need. It provides a visual test of the humidity level within an environment and / or packaging.

If the degree of moisture indicator is too high, the user will immediately know that it is necessary to replace the desiccant and verify that the quality of the product has not been altered.

It is advisable to use this humidity indicator card combined with desiccants in any application to have control of the environmental conditions to which the products are exposed.

In Sercalia we offer different formats of moisture indicator labels available in different levels of sensitivity to cover any need.

Humidity indicators. Environmental control. Sercalia

Humidity indicator card

The humidity indicator card is a rigid paper cards with Relative Humidity (RH) reading indicators, reversible and without cobalt dichloride. Indicates when a certain value is exceeded through the change from blue to pink. It is applied in the packaging and provides a visual test of the humidity level within an environment and / or packaging.

Irreversible humidity indicator. Sercalia

Irreversible moisture indicator

Irreversible moisture indicators show whether a critical moisture level has been reached or exceeded in the packaging, and record the maximum moisture reached. In combination with desiccants, it reflects the moisture your product has been subjected to, allowing you to draw conclusions about the condition of moisture-sensitive products.

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