Packaging | Cold chain | insulated container
Insulated container and insulated pallet cover to avoid sudden changes in temperature.

Description of insulated container and insulated pallet cover
Insulated container & Insulated pallet cover keep your products safe from temperature changes and mantain your products at a suitable temperature without the need of special containers. Insulated containers and insulated covers are resistant to compression, and due to their thinness the capacity inside the containers can be at its maximum.
Many products are sensitive to temperature changes during transportation and export, including products such as wine, cheese, chocolate, water, pharmaceuticals, electronics, chemicals, etc. Sercalia has isothermal insulators for 20′ and 40′ containers and pallet covers.
Insulated pallet covers are available in a single use or in a reusable format. Their application can be, for example, isolation of individual pallets in the case of maritime groupage container or air freight, and they are frequently used both in summer and in winter to avoid sudden changes in temperature.
The manufacture of the insulated container is tailored to your needs.
Applications of insulated shipping container and covers
These are some of the products with which isotherm insulators are currently used due to their sensitivity to temperature changes during transport and export:
- Insulated covers for fruit
- Insulated covers for wines
- Insulated sleeves for chemical products
- Insulated covers for paintings
- Insulated sleeves for food
- Insulated sleeves for export
- Insulated sleeves for air transport
- Insulated sleeves for maritime transport
Insulated container. Specifications
1- INSULATED CONTAINER LOGITERM: Flexible insulator in the form of a roll that is used to wrap and isothermally insulate your goods.
2.- INSULATED COVERS: Tailor made covers, suitable for all types of merchandise. They keep the temperature stable during transport.
Insulated shipping container and insulated pallet cover are supplied according to the packaging specifications above mentioned. If you want to consult other measures, contact us.
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