Chemical products – Microspheres

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Microspheres are additives with multiple applications, allowing final products to improve their properties. Especially used for paints, resins, adhesives, sealants and explosives.

Additives. Microspheres. Paints, resins, fillers and adhesives. Sercalia

Microspheres description

Microspheres are made from alumina silicate and used as raw material in several manufacturing processes. They can improve the properties of the product in which they are applied and reduce the manufacturing costs of these.

Silica microspheres provide many advantages such as low cost of products by reducing the use of main materials to the benefit of using microspheres. They also favor a better handling during the production of the materials because they contribute to reducing their viscosity. In addition, the microspheres provide greater resistance to stress, greater strength and consistency and a reduction in weight in the final products. This lower weight due to the microspheres also positively affects a reduction in the cost of transporting the products.

The spherical, hollow and light shape of the microspheres also influences the improvement of their circulation and the reduction of breakage in mixing, pouring and falling of the products. As they are hollow ceramic microspheres, they provide, at the same time, a reduction in the density of the products and an ability to act as a thermal and acoustic insulator.

Microspheres. Additive- Paints, resins, fillers and adhesives. Sercalia
Ask for budget. Sercalia
Microspheres. Coating and paints. Cultured marbles or synthetic marbles. Resins and molds. Construction. Synthetic woods- Adhesives. Explosives. Sercalia


Glass microspheres can be applied in the following materials and situations:

  • Coatings and paints: Thermal insulating paints. Anti-condensation paints. Emulsifier in paint. Roof and wall coverings. Acrylic sealants.
  • Cultured marbles or synthetic marbles: Mix of calcium carbonate with resins. Weight reduction. Improved thermal cracking. Mortars.
  • Resins and molds: Non-reactive solvent for epoxy resins. Molds and dies.
  • Construction: Sandwich Panels. Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP). Concretes and cements. Refractory materials.
  • Nautical and aeronautical fabrications: Caulking and sealing. Fairing components. Gelcoat for finishes.
  • Explosives: Reduction of density and critical diameter. Increased detonation velocity and pressure.
  • Plasticizers: Tolerance to high temperatures. Improves electrical properties. Powdered polyester laminates. Polypropylene foam.
  • Synthetic woods: Improves finish appearance and resistance. Reduces price and weight per unit volume.
  • Adhesives: Weight reduction. Sound deadening. Protection against falls. Properties as an electrical and thermal insulator.

Microspheres. Specifications

  Sil-Cell 42/18 Sil-Cell 32 Sil-Cell 43/34 Sil-Cell 35/34 Sil-Cell 50/34
(lbs/ft3) (g/cm3) (lbs/ft3) (g/cm3) (lbs/ft3) (g/cm3) (lbs/ft3) (g/cm3) (lbs/ft3) (g/cm3)
Dry Bulk Density 8.5 0.136 7.0  0.112  10.5 0.168 9.0 0.144 13.0 0.208
Dry Bulk Density Range 8.0-9.0 0.128-0.144 6.5-7.5 0.104-0.120 10.0-11.0 0.160-0.176 8.5-9.5 0.136-0.152 12.5-13.5 0.200-0.216
Effective Particle Density ESG 13.5 0.216 10.5 0.170 16.0 0.255 15.0 0.240 21.0 0.336
Effective Particle Density Rabge 12.3-14.4 0.197-0.231 10.0-11.5 0.160-0.184 15.2-17.3 0.244-0.277 14.2-15.6 0.228-0.250 19.3-21.5 0.310-0.345
Average Particle Size (µm) 45 75 37 40 32
Particles Size Range (µm) 1-220 1-300 1-150 1-150 1-110
Thermal conductivity
0.40 0.36 0.43 0.41 0.45
Weight per bag (Lb | kg) 34 15.42 28 12.70 42 19.05 36 16.33 50 22.68

* Our Former HGS product line is now being sold under it’s manufactured name of Sil-Cell.  This material is manufactured by the same company and the superior quality of the material is unchanged.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.


Representative Particle Distribution

  Retention % by weight (U.S. sieve)
Sil-Cell 42/18 Sil-Cell 32 Sil-Cell 43/34 Sil-Cell 35/34 Sil-Cell 50/34
– 50 Mesh (+300 µm) 0% 1% 0% 0% 0%
-50 + 100 Mesh (-300 + 150 µm) 1% 8% Trace Trace Trace
-100 + 200 Mesh (-150 + 75 µm) 16% 26% 11% 12% 4%
-200 + 325 Mesh (-75 + 45 µm) 26% 22% 21% 24% 13%
-325 + 450 Mesh (-45 + 32 µm) 12% 12% 19% 18% 10%
-450 + 635 Mesh (-32 + 20 µm) 18% 6% 15% 13% 23%
-635 Mesh (-20 µm) 27% 25% 34% 33% 50%

Microspheres. Supplies

It comes in bags of different weight depending on the type of microsphere. If you have any questions about microspheres or want to request a quotation, please contact us.

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