Indicators, Data loggers, Bags and films, Protection systems, Lashing, Insulated

Increasingly, the control, protection and monitoring of packaging is a priority in shipments. Indicators of impact, tilt, temperature, humidity, Data Loggers, protections for coils and cables, self-sizing corners, manipulation rings, inflatable airbags or Slip Sheet Pallets are packaging solutions to keep the products in good condition during transport, even in cold chain conditions.

Shockwatch2. Shockwatch. Impact indicators. Packaging  products - Sercalia

Impact indicators

Thanks to the impact indicators it is possible to control all the shocks that occur in the goods, both in the transport and handling of sensitive products. There are different formats, label or device, composed of a small tube with a red liquid in suspension. If the product suffers an impact higher than a specific G level, it releases the red liquid that stains the tube irreversibly indicating that the product has had an impact.

Wide range of impact indicators available: Shockwatch, ShockDot, Mag 2000, Omni, Trans-Monitor and Protect A-pack.

TiltWatch Plus. Tiltwatch XTR. Tilt indicators. Packaging  products - Sercalia

Tiltwatch - Tilt indicators

Tiltwatch Plus and Tiltwatch XTR. Tilt indicators detect and indicate the inclination suffered by a commodity, as well as its possible rollover. The device activates automatically when taking off the adhesive located in the back part. Once fixed to the packaging or product, the indicator shows the inclination of the object leaving evidence of the movement. Tiltwatch represent a reliable and economical solution to prevent damage to the goods during the transport phase.

Temperature indicators. Timestrip. Warmmark. Coldmark. Packaging  products - Sercalia

Temperature indicators

Thanks to the temperature indicators, Timestrip, WarmMark, ColdMark and FreeSafe,  we can control in a simple and economic way the temperature variations suffered by the goods in the transport or storage. Each indicator has pre-established minimum or maximum temperature limits that allow controlling the increase or decrease of temperature over these limits. By receiving the goods easily you can verify if the maximum limits to which your products may be exposed have been exceeded.

Humidity indicator. Moisture indicator. Packaging  products - Sercalia

Humidity indicators

These types of indicators allow control of the environmental humidity to which a product or packaging is exposed. They are rigid paper cards with a reversible relative humidity (RH) reading indicator. They do not contain cobalt dichloride. By means of the indicator you can check if a certain value of the relative humidity is exceeded, shown with the blue to pink color change. By combining the humidity indicators with desiccants, you can guarantee the environmental conditions inside the packaging and consequently the quality of the products transported.

Our humidity indicator cards: Humidity indicator card and Irreversible moisture indicator.

Timestrip.  Time indicators. Packaging  products - Sercalia

Timestrip. Time indicators

The Timestrip Time indicators are very useful to offer reminders about how much time has passed since their activation, indicating the time a product has been used. These are products that guarantee with precision and reliability that your devices have optimal performance and effective operation, by indicating replacement reminders. The information that the different indicators give us can be of vital importance for the pharmaceutical industry or for maintenance and repair services.

Timestrip Time is available in different time ranges: 1 hour, 12 hours, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year and 2 years.

Data Loggers

System to control a multitude of data to which the goods are exposed during transport and storage, being able to monitor and record all the information collected. The data that can be recorded are: temperature, humidity, impact, rollover, light and geo-positioning depending on the chosen model. Thanks to these devices you can control how transport is carried out, the reliability of a shipment in any container. Once the information is monitored with precision, they facilitate the establishment of rules and necessary measures to avoid damage to cargoes and merchandise.
Wide range of data loggers available: MOST, Temp U, G-View, Digi-Shock, ShockLog, Impact Ograph, Logic Temperature recorder.


VCI zip bag. Anti-corrosion. Anti rust VCI. Sercalia

Anti rust VCI

The protection of anticorrosion packaging of metallic elements is obtained by means of different types of materials impregnated with VCI:

VCI Paper, VCI Film, Stretch Film, Polyethylene Film with Bubbles, Polyethylene Film with High Punch Resistance,  VCI Tablets,  VCI Diffusers and  VCI Sponges.

Doypack. Bolsas aluminio. Sectores industriales. Sercalia


The use of aluminium bags or aluminum film facilitates the packaging of products repeatedly. In addition, it is thus the perfect solution for shipping goods over long distances by sea or for the long-term storage of products, as this material allows the conditions inside the packaging to be kept constant..

We offer aluminium bags in different sizes and finishes: Doy pack pags,  zip bags, kraft bags, gusseted bags, flat bags. Metallised and laminated.

Coextruded film. Stirofilm. High strength film for packaging. Sercalia

High resistance film

The high resistance film is a coextruded film in several layers that has high performance in mechanical strength and perforation. It is the perfect complement to the movement of palletized goods allowing the protection of the product against knocks and friction, as well as ensuring a good isolation of the merchandise with respect to environmental conditions, as it is impermeable to water.

The film is supplied in rolls that can be cut to measure for each need.

antistatic esd bags

Antistatic and ESD film, foam and bags

The various forms of ESD (electrostatic discharge) packaging, which include a wide variety of antistatic films, foams and bags, are designed to protect sensitive electronic devices from static electricity discharges or harmful electrostatic fields. All available antistatic bags have a hermetic closure system that serves for vacuum packaging, such as zip closure, adhesive closure or heat closure. These bags, in the same way as film or foam, if they completely cover a product, they protect it from any type of electromagnetic wave, generating protection through the Faraday effect.

Round bottom liners. Protection systems. Sercalia

Protection systems

Protection systems to fix and keep your products safe, avoiding possible impacts or breakage during transport and storage.

Our solutions for protection: fill-air packaging systems, for bubble and inflatable air bags for small shipments Coil and cable protection, an innovative flexible film adaptable to curvatures; Corner protection adaptable and self-dimensioning to allow customised packaging. Drum liners, round-bottom bags or sacks for converting your disposable packaging into reusable packaging, used in Stella drums and other packaging. Pharmaceutical cotton balls and coils for Tablet Packaging: safe, non-toxic, with impact resistance and absorbent qualities.

Lashing.. Airbags. Inflatable bags. Sercalia


Lashing is the necessary action to fasten and stabilize all types of packages, boxes, pallets, machines and loads immobilizing firmly by means of the necessary and suitable materials, elements or products. In general it tries to keep safe all kinds of merchandise that is transported with maritime, land or air means, in order to prevent and avoid possible damages due to blows, chafing, displacements, sudden movements, rocking or overturning of its contents. Consult the different packaging products related to the lashing that we offer in Sercalia.

We offer Airbags or inflatable bags to immobilise goods during transport;  Slip Sheet pallet or compact fibre pallets that optimise the volume of conventional pallets, pallet separators to fill gaps between pallets; anti-slip paper, .non-slip moving blanket, Coil and cable protection and Corner protection

Cold chain

Wide range of products for an intact cold chain that guarantees the customer that their product has been kept within a safe temperature range throughout their supply chain: Insulated container and insulated pallet cover, Temperature indicators, Ice packs, flexible ice pack e Hydratable cold pack , Insulated Box, Insulated containers, Insulated bag, Insulated backpack, ECO Isothermal Kit

Preserving intact the cold chain guarantees the good condition of the products and safeguards the health of the consumer.

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