Packaging | Indicators | Temperature indicators

The temperature indicators allow you to know and to control the temperature oscillations of your products. They aim to show if they have been exposed to unwanted temperatures during the transport or storage.

Irreversible temperature indicators are able to detect increases and decreases in temperature according to the limit or threshold they have. In Sercalia we have several models that can be adapted to your needs. According to the information related to the temperature you want to obtain from your products, we offer temperature indicators of increase, decrease, DUO (increase and decrease), specialized for blood control, for food control, etc.

In general, the temperature labels are very simple, intuitive and easy to use and interpret. They are an economical and very visual way of knowing if any of your products may have been damaged due to exposure to temperatures not suitable for its proper conservation. Some of them are also ideal to know the time that your product has been exposed at an inconvenient temperature.

The use of irreversible temperature label indicator is increasingly being implemented in order to guarantee customers that their products have not suffered temperature fluctuations. This way, you ensure your clients their products have not lost their properties. It is for this reason and for its low prices that its application is increasing in different sectors related to transport and storage.


Below you can consult our tempeature indicators according to your needs.

Sercalia offers a wide range of temperature indicators labels (WarmMark, Warmmark Mini, Coldmark, Shockwatch, FreezeSafe, Thermax Precision, ColdChain Complete, Timestrip) available in different levels of sensitivity to cover any need.

Warmmark. Temperature indicators. Temperature increases. Sercalia

WarmMark Temperature indicators

WarmMark temperature indicators allow you to control the increases of any temperature range of your products at any time. Specifically, you can monitor and control the time of temperature increases above a certain threshold.

Warmmark mini. Temp indicator. Temperature indicators. Sercalia

WarmMark Mini

It allows to control the temperature of products that are more sensitive to heat and emits a visual signal when they exceed the recommended temperature. Ideal for products in the pharmaceutical, food, chemical, healthcare and cold chain industries.

Warmark Duo.  Temperature marker. Temperature indicators. Sercalia

Warmark Duo

The WarmMark Duo temperature indicator features two temperature thresholds indicating decreases below 10°C and increases above 34°C in a single display.

WarmMark Long Run. Temperature marker. Temperature gauge. Sercalia

WarmMark Long Run

The WarmMark Long Run temperature indicator is suitable for measuring temperature increases over a longer period of time (up to 7 days).

Coldmark. Shockwatch. Temperature indicators. Sercalia

ColdMark Temperature indicators

ColdMark temperature indicators allow immediate, effective and irreversible control of descents for different ranges in the temperature of your products. Ideal for monitoring freezing temperatures during the cold chain.

FreezeSafe. Temperature marker. 0ºC - Sercalia


FreezeSafe is a temperature indicator that allows you to monitor whether a product has been damaged as a result of being subjected to extremely low temperatures. If the minimum temperature threshold is exceeded, the FreezeSafe indicator changes from transparent to magenta.

Temperature indicators. Shockwatch. Coldchain complete. Sercalia

ColdChain Complete

ColdChain Complete is the most complete Spotsee indicator for monitoring temperature increases and decreases. Two versions of ColdChain Complete basic and ColdChain Complete XS self-adhesive labels are available with different temperature combinations and thresholds.

Thermax precision. Monitoring temperature. Temperature indicators. Sercalia

Thermax precision

Thermax precision is a single-use Spotsee indicator for monitoring temperature rises in different temperature ranges. It is resistant to water, oil and steam. Effective and economical monitoring of your products.

Timestrtrip. Timestrip indicator. Sercalia

Timestrip Temperature indicators

They allow controlling and knowing the temperature increases and the time of exposure to a certain temperature in the products during transport and storage, in an easy and intuitive way.

Timestrip seafood. Sercalia

Timestrip Food and Seafood

They allow to control the increases of the temperature and the loss of nutritional properties in the products of the food sector during its transport and storage. Ideal for fresh fish and seafood.

Timestrip Blood. Sercalia

Timestrip Blood, Temperature indicators

The Timestrip Blood Temp temperature indicator allow the control of temperature changes in products containing blood or blood products during transport and storage. Ideal for application in blood bags.

Timestrip descending. Temperature indicators. Sercalia

Timestrip Descending

The Timestrip Descending temperature indicators allow you to control the temperature drops in your products efficiently and immediately during transport and storage.

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