VCI FILM T1500 AND T3000

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VCI film T1500 and T3000: the most advanced and resistant solution for all types of manufacturing against rust and corrosion.

VCI film. T1500 and T3000. the most advanced and resistant solution for all types of manufacturing against rust and corrosion. Anti rust. VCI. Sercalia

Description of VCI film T1500 and T3000

VCI film T1500 and T3000 are the most advanced and innovative solution for the protection of all types of manufacturing against rust and corrosion.

VCI film T1500 and T3000 are made with highly technological resins and with a custom-made co-extrusion method that gives the products very high yields in terms of mechanical resistance and low permeability to water vapor.

VCI film T1500 and T3000 guarantee:

  • High yields of mechanical resistance
  • High level of effectiveness
  • Thickness subsequently reduced
  • Low water vapor permeability
  • Low environmental impact
  • Transparency for easy application

They are co-extruded from 3 to 5 layers. The coextrusion technique guarantees, in addition to high resistance and low permeability, a monodirectionality of the VCI molecules.

The technology that encloses the layers of the VCI film T1500 and T3000 has the following function:

  • The inner layer guarantees the immediate protection of the manufactures to be protected
  • The intermediate layer acts as a reservoir of PROPATECH VCI molecules for long-term protection and at the same time guarantees monodirectionality;
  • The outer layer acts as a barrier against atmospheric agents and allows another containment of the protective action.

Thanks to its transparency, the VCI film T1500 and T3000 products allow to correctly place the goods inside and facilitate customs procedures without the need to open the packaging, an action that could alter the anticorrosive protection.



The main applications of the VCI film T1500 and T3000 are:

  • Automotive industry
  • Electronic industry
  • All types of manufactures against rust and corrosión
VCI film. T1500 and T3000. the most advanced and resistant solution for all types of manufacturing against rust and corrosion. Anti rust. VCI. Sercalia
Ask for budget. Sercalia
VCI film.  T1500. T3000. Anti rust High yields of mechanical resistance. Low water vapor permeability. Sercalia
VCI. film T1500 and T3000. Rust. Corrosion. VCI Plastics. Sercalia


Anticorrosión VCI. Plásticos VCI_sercalia
VCI T1500
Density g / cm³ ISO 1183 0,92 ÷ 0,93
Thickness µm ISO 4593 Nominal ± 10%
Width mm Internal Nominal ± 5%
Length m Internal Nominal ± 5%
Burst load (MD) N / mm² ISO 527-3 ≥ 20
Burst load (TD) N / mm² ISO 527-3 ≥ 20
Elongation at break (MD) % ISO 527-3 ≥ 500 (80 µm)
Elongation at break (TD) % ISO 527-3 ≥ 600 (80 µm)
DART TEST resistance g ASTM D 1709-A ≥ 450 (80 µm)
Elmendorf Test (MD) mN ISO 6383-2 ≥ 3000 (80 µm)
Elmendorf Test (TD) mN ISO 6383-2 ≥ 6000 (80 µm)
Permeability (WVTR) (38ºC – 90% UR) g / (m² x 24h) ASTM F 1249-06 3,70 ± 0,20 (80 µm)
Permeability (WVTR) (23ºC – 85% UR) g / (m² x 24h) DIN 53122-2 0,85 ± 0,06 (80 µm)
Film vci. Film estirable__sercalia
VCI T3000
Density g / cm³ ISO 1183 0,92 ÷ 0,93
Thickness µm ISO 4593 Nominal ± 10%
Width mm Internal Nominal ± 5%
Length m Internal Nominal ± 5%
Burst load (MD) N / mm² ISO 527-3 ≥ 30
Burst load (TD) N / mm² ISO 527-3 ≥ 30
Elongation at break (MD) % ISO 527-3 ≥ 650 (80 µm)
Elongation at break (TD) % ISO 527-3 ≥ 750 (80 µm)
DART TEST resistance g ASTM D 1709-A ≥ 520 (80 µm)
Elmendorf Test (MD) mN ISO 6383-2 ≥ 6000 (80 µm)
Elmendorf Test (TD) mN ISO 6383-2 ≥ 12000 (80 µm)
Permeability (WVTR) (38ºC – 90% UR) g / (m² x 24h) ASTM F 1249-06 2,90 ± 0,20 (80 µm)
Permeability (WVTR) (23ºC – 85% UR) g / (m² x 24h) DIN 53122-2 0,77 ± 0,06 (80 µm)


VCI film T1500 and T3000 are supplied in films, bags, caps and bags. To make any inquiry or request a quote contact Sercalia.

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