The anticorrosive protection of the metallic elements can be obtained through the protection of different products made from plastics with PROPATECH VCI

VCI plastics generated from the PROPATECH VCI system use the safest and most suitable method for the protection of metal parts against damage caused by corrosion during transport and storage.

The range of products is created and developed in one of the most advanced research laboratories in the world in the field of anticorrosion protection of metals.

The VCI system (Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor) prevents the oxidation process and consequent deterioration of a metallic object on its surface in contact with the external environment. When sublimate the VCI and spread within the packaging, it forms a thin invisible layer capable of neutralizing the potential agents that can cause corrosion of metals, such as water vapor, saline atmosphere, sulfurous gases and the most common industrial and environmental pollutants present in the air.

In plastic VCI, the volatile inhibitor is added to the mass of the plastic when it is still in the coextrusion phase. Then, once cooled and ready for use, the plastic releases the VCI molecules by sublimation.

There are different products created from VCI plastics, co-extruded with these molecules. Then you can consult the product that most interests you:

Comprar online plásticos VCI

There are several products made from VCI plastics, co-extruded with these molecules. You can find the product you are most interested in below:

Choose the VCI film format that best suits your needs: VCI film with VCI, Propaskin high strength VCI film, Propasteel high strength VCI film. VCI Bubble Film, VCI Stretch Film, VCI t1500 and t3000 Film or VCI Sacks.

Film VCI. VCI. Sercalia

Film VCI

Film with the characteristic of having the VCI anti-corrosion additive in its composition, since it is added in the coextrusion phase of the film, when the mass is in the casting phase. Then the additive sublimates the plastic, giving it the properties of protection against corrosion of metal objects during its packaging.

 VCI plastic bags . VCI. Sercalia

VCI plastic bags

VCI plastic bags for corrosion and oxidation problems form a closed protective chamber and simplify the packaging process.

 VCI Stretch Film. Anti rust VCI. Sercalia

VCI Stretch film

Coextruded stretchable film additivated with the VCI anti-corrosion system. The additive is also introduced when the mass is melted in the coextrusion phase of the film, subsequently subliming the plastic and thus guaranteeing the protection against corrosion of the packaged metal parts.

VCI film with air bubble. Sercalia

VCI film with air bubble

Film made by coupling bubble polyethylene with the coextruded polyethylene film additivated with VCI inhibitors. Thanks to the presence of these two coupled materials, at the same time protects its products against corrosion, against impacts and friction of the parts inside the boxes.

High resistance film.  Propaskin VCI.  Sercalia

High resistance film Propaskin VCI

The high resistance film Propaskin VCI is an innovative resistant, elastic and anticorrosive film ideal for the packaging of all types of metal products that contain edges that can tear the wrapper.

VCI. T1500 T3000. High Resistance. Anticorrosive Films.  Sercalia

VCI Film T1500 y T3000

VCI film T1500 and T3000 are made with highly technological resins and with a custom-made co-extrusion method that gives the products very high performances in terms of mechanical resistance and low water vapor permeability.

High resistance film. Propasteel . VCI films. Sercalia

High resistance film Propasteel VCI

This type of film is made by coextrusion of polyethylene made with special resins that gives it a high resistance to puncture and tearing. Also, by having VCI molecules impregnated, it protects the metallic elements from corrosion.

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