Absorbents | Oxygen absorbers | Ageless Omac, oxygen absorber for food

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AGELESS OMAC helps liquid and pasta-based foods stay fresh for long periods of time.

AGELESS OMAC.  Oxygen absorbers. Oxygen absorber for food. Sercalia
Ageless Omac. Oxygen absorber. Oxygen absorber for soup, curry, sauces. - Sercalia

Oxygen absorbers for food. Description

AGELESS OMAC oxygen absorber is the next step in a line of quality oxygen absorbers for food. After many years of research following the steps of AGELESS oxygen absorber, the AGELESS OMAC oxygen absorber fo food film was created. Instead of having a bag to place in a package, AGELESS OMAC makes the package absorbent.

AGELESS OMAC was originally developed to help liquid and pasta-based foods stay fresh for long periods of time after heat treatment, such as boiling or retorting. After several tests, it was discovered that the products did not have to be heat treated to begin absorbing oxygen. It was also discovered that AGELESS OMAC would work not only with liquid products as originally planned, but that products with a water activity as low as 0.5 can also be protected effectively.

AGELESS OMAC is the next step in oxygen absorption technology that can be used with wet products such as baked goods to soups and liquid-based sauces.


The AGELESS OMAC, Oxygen absorbers for food has many applications:

  • Food
  • Soup
  • Curry
  • Prefabricated sauces
  • Fruit preserved in juice



The AGELESS OMAC oxygen absorber film was originally designed for use with products that have high water activity and would undergo a heat treatment to accelerate the oxygen absorption process.

After further testing and changing the sealant layer, it was discovered that AGELESS OMAC would also work with products that only had medium-level water activity and that heat treatment such as retort was no longer necessary. This discovery has opened AGELESS OMAC to many new applications.

AGELESS OMAC.  Oxygen absorbers. Oxygen absorber for food. Sercalia
Ask for budget. Sercalia
Ageless OMAC. Oxygen absorbers. Ageless oxygen absorber, buy online
Ageless Omac. Ageless. Oxygen absorbers. Oxygen absorber for soup, curry, sauces. - Sercalia
Absorbing oxygen. Oyxgen absorber uses. Sercalia
Oxy sorb. AGELESS OMAC. Oxygen packets. Sercalia

Oxygen absorbers for food. Supplies

AGELESS OMAC is also available in roll form, which allows a quick and effective dispensing of any quantity of products. You can contact with us the ideal format for your needs.

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