Lashing products allow to stabilize and keep safe your cargo during transport, avoiding slips, swings or sudden movements.

Lashing is the necessary action of fastening and stabilizing all types of packages, boxes, pallets, machines and loads to immobilize them firmly by means of the necessary and suitable materials, elements or products. In general it is trying to keep safe all kinds of merchandise transported with maritime, land or air means, in order to prevent and avoid possible damages due to blows, chafing, displacements, sudden movements, rocking or overturning of its contents.

As a general rule, the majority of loading or cargo operations in any means of transport must be linked to the lashing operations, except when the characteristic of the cargo or the means of transport facilitates a total occupation of the space and does not allow free spaces. Therefore, the need for lashing operations is a logical complement to the loading and cargo operations.

In May 2018 Royal Decree RD 563/2017 came into force, which regulates technical inspections that will be made to commercial vehicles in the Spanish territory. This royal decree determines a series of technical standards that regulate the application of different types of packaging and lashing products such as belts and straps, corner protection and non-slip paper and blankets. This new rules of lashing in the transport of loads has the objective of securing well the loads in the means of transport and that accidents do not occur due to their bad stowage and lashing.

Lashing. Conainters. Lashing products. Sercalia

In Sercalia we offer different products and regulated packaging that can ensure a good stowage and lashing of your loads such as airbags dunnage bags, isotherm insulation, non-slip products, etc.

Airbags. Inflatable bags. Dunnage bags. Sercalia

Airbags. Dunnage Bags

Airbags or air mattress immobilize packaging in the transport of goods by land and sea.

PROPAFLEX coil and cable protection sercalia

Coil and cable protection PROPAFLEX

Coil and cable protection PROPAFLEX is an innovative product used to ensure the perfect protection of all products presented in coils or rolls.

Slip Sheet Pallet. Compact fibre pallets. Sercalia

Slip Sheet Pallet

Slip Sheets or compact fiber pallets are designed to optimize volumes of conventional pallets.

Adaptable corner protection. Lashing. Sercalia

Corner protection

The corner protection allows to protect the merchandise adapting to the different forms of each one of the packagings. The corner protection allows custom packaging since they can be easily cut to size.

absorbent blanket. Sercalia

Moisture absorbent blanket

Absorbent blanket to protect goods from moisture. It acts as a waterproof barrier so that the goods are not damaged by moisture.


Non-slip paper

The non-slip paper is a sheet of paper with anti-slip treatment on both sides. Thanks to its anti-slip properties, it improves the stability and security of your shipments.

Anti-slip blanket. Lashing. Sercalia

Non-slip blanket

The non-slip transport blanket prevents movement or sliding of the pallets during transport. This is possible thanks to its durability, impact attenuation and resistance to mechanical loads.

Pallet separator. Cardboard separator. Sercalia

Pallet separator. Carton divider

It fills the existing gaps between pallets and allows to reduce or eliminate rocking, tilting or falling of the merchandise. It is simple, reliable, resistant and easy to install.

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